America's Line: The Truth is Here!
The "Alien Zion Agency" and the "Alien ZionNakki Race" have infiltrated,
and taken control of the United States and its cultural institutions. The "RACE" has implemented a policy of KILLING human "Gentiles" and replacing them with
ZionNakki aliens or reanimated dead humans controlled by ZionNakkis.
The "Alien Agenda" is the assimilation of the ZionNakki Super Race into
human America and the technology the ZionNakki are utilizing, this technology,
makes it very simple for the ZionNakki to invade and conquer America__which
is now a ZionNakki empire.
Psychiatry and Religion were utilized to throw out millions of human
"Gentiles" under the guise of mental illness or soul possession by satan or
the devil. Human "Gentiles" that are exposed to the super race and who
don't approve of the "Alien Agenda" are attacked, tortured and the symptoms
of these attacks are consistent with the definitions of mental illness found in the
APA( ZionNakki Psychiatric Association ) DSM( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders )
The technology utilized by the "Alien Agency" is
orders of magnitude advanced of human technology.
The cause of this large technology gap is the
"iron fist" control of information and distribution
of scientific Information(read: CIA-Alien Race) and
this includes the fake information highway known
as the "internet". The ZionNakki race is a super race whose
policy and manifesto mirrors that of Zionism and based on this
human beings, Gentiles, or Goys, have no rights, are considered
animals, cannot have human children, are not allowed to earn or
save money, and are to be exploited and sold as slaves and then
destroyed and their flesh, bones, and blood sold so that the Gentiles
life can be justified as bringing profit to the ZionNakki race. This is the only way the
Gentiles are tolerated by the ZionNakki race.
Those human "Gentiles" or "Goys" that were not acceptable to the
ZionNakki were, and are, systematically exterminated or cleaned from
the United States. This is defined as "Eugenics" and is very similar to
what the "Eugenics Policy" advocated by German dictator "Adolf Hitler"
where Gentiles were exterminated in favor of the ZionNakki super race.
In the United States the ZionNakki utilize their high technology to cause
disease and fatal accidents to reduce the population of Gentiles instead
of systematic extermination with gas chambers and ovens. Aids, HIV,
Cancer, Brain Tumors, etc... all caused by the existence of the
ZionNakki in human American society.
Addition to the lethal technology the ZionNakki are utilizing
to exterminate human Gentiles in America the ZionNakki are
a "Telepathic, Collective, Mind Controlling" super race which
makes it extremely difficult for human Gentiles to compete
with them for employment. Human Gentiles are thus used
as working class slaves and are usually payed at a lower
pay scale. Additionally, human Gentiles are prevented from
forming associations with other human Gentiles and are totally
controlled by the ZionNakki.
The ZionNakki, on the other-hand, control all the money flow
in America, control all the banks, all the jobs, transportation,
etc... Human Gentiles that are in power positions are usually
killed and replaced with ZionNakki look-alikes or they are
re-animated and their corpses are controlled by the ZionNakki making
them virtual muppets or puppets to the super race.
The Entertainment and News Industries are fake and are used
to distribute billions in free money to ZionNakkis who control and
are employed by the fake media. This fake business provides
a seamless method of laundering free money to ZionNakki
without the human Gentiles figuring out that those in the
Entertainment and News industry are not working or producing
any useful consumable product while being paid billions in
free money from where? The Federal Reserve.
The formation of the "Federal Reserve" was the litmus test that
the ZionNakki were taking over the United States. All American
currency is supplied to the US Treasury from the Federal
Reserve but this currency is actually sold to the US Treasury
for distribution to US banks for distribution and for budgetary
purposes. This means that the US government is
always in debt to the Federal Reserve, a bank owned by the
ZionNakki. This is absurd because all national debt is owed to
the Federal Reserve, a ZionNakki business entity and that means
the ZionNakki own America. He who owns the Gold, owns the
As stated, the "Alien Agency" or ZionNakki controls the information
sources and this implies the control of human minds.
Referring to "George Orwells'" book "1984", Orwell
was warning the human race of the dehumanizing
and controlling effects resulting from and
"Alien Agency" form of government.
Once the "Alien Agency" is allowed to infiltrate a
form of government based on constitutional rights
and democratic principles__alien technology is
utilized(implemented) creating the illusion or
facade of democracy and freedom. Behind the facade
of personal freedom and civil rights is the
"systematic genocide" and "enslavement" of human
beings and the "creation" of a collective, telepathic,
emotionless "Bee" slave race!
This investigative news magazine exposes the
"Alien Agency", its methods, and agenda via
the investigation of America's only "real" federal
civil rights "Slavery-Death Penalty case"
in conjunction with the analysis of American
society and culture. The "American Dream" is
not American and the dream has morphed or
assimilated into a nightmare for human Gentiles.
This report was based on an in-depth study in the United States of America during a period spanning over 15 years on the streets of the ZionNakki hive cities.
The ZionNakki race was found to control all information sources and information distribution in America and had created various sophisticated economic monopolies via the use of alien technology in order to fabricate false economic markets.
It was also determined that the alien race had created the fascade of a democratic constitutional form of government by assimilating and destroying human beings and by complete control of the news and entertainment industries, medical profession,
law, education, etc...
Continued domination of human society by the "ZionNakki Race" will result in:
Author: Wayne E. Manzo, PhD
Special Agent, "Contact US",
Human Intelligence Agency [HIA]
June 2009, |
Santa Monica, CA
January 2006
Orlando, Florida
October 2005
Columbus, Ohio
October 2004,
Columbus, Ohio
October 2003
Columbus, Ohio
December 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio