ne of the more
popular movie genres is that of science fiction movies.
Movies about the future, movies about the unknown, movies
about the paranormal.
And if analysed on a smaller scale, we find that
there are a sub-category of SIFI movies that deal
specifically with the issue of "Aliens" in human
Aliens by any other name are just
as evil and deadly. Witches, Warlocks,
Vampires, Supermen, Batmen, Spidermen,
Hulks, X-Men, X-Women, etc...
Any type of humanoid that exhibits
paranormal characteristics can be
categorized as "Alien". And these
beings have been portrayed in the
movies for years.
We don't have to look at
modern movies such as
"The Power", "Scanners",
or "The Fury" to understand
that these aliens have
the ability to control
the mind and desires of man.
In 1919 film director Robert Wiene made the historic
movie The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari which(witch?)
revealed the very important fact that humans may be
under the mind-control
of other beings that look very
much like you and me.
We find that telepathic mind
control of people is a very effective way of getting
the job done. And in human society this is exactly the
methodology utilized by the "Alien Race". They are here,
they look human, and they use human beings as their
slaves because the aliens can "access" the brains
of humans analogous to the way we humans telenet into
each others computers___controlling the machine as if
it were our own.
In the movie "Scanners"(1981 David Cronenberg)
we find the possibility of developing or
evolving a race of telekinetic, telepathic super
humans, or "Super Race"__with powers of death
and destruction without physical contact.
The precursor to this movie being "The Fury"(1978).
If such a race exists, and it
does(read: aliens) then we humans are sitting ducks
waiting to be "slayed" as we unknowingly
intermingle with our executioners in what we think is a
safe human society. In actuality the movie
"Westworld"(1973) is probably a more realistic
version of what the "Aliens" are doing to human
beings in society__killing, maiming, giving them
diseases, and exploiting them as if human beings are
simple beasts of burden or in more technical terms